Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Destined answers..!!

“God created this world in 6 days and he rested on the 7th” is the perfect explanation given for birth of sundaes all over the world. According to the Bible god made everything in succession order in first 5 days and man on the 6th to destroy him slowly.
Man was ‘his’ child. As world was made for meeting the needs of man and his clan God promised man about eternity of this world only and only if ‘man’ would add something of great importance to this world in his total life span.
God thought, “if I can create this world in 6 days my ‘child’ would make another heaven out of this place in his 100 years.”
The deal was signed n sealed..!
Primitive ages denote that man had a satisfaction in his living. As the ages passed by our ‘life expectancy’ started declining, diseases ruling our bodies, corrupt souls and devastated minds.
This was all because ‘many’ of us did not live up to their own expectations. Many did not create or adapt something worth to this world in their whole life. They just sucked whatever was present and broke the chain of creative mind n innovative souls.
In Hindu mythology; the concept of ‘Paap’ & ‘punya’ rules every act of a devotee. Just on the same lines, whenever in your life after death you stand before god on the day of ‘quyamat’ you’ll stand before god.
He has just one simple question for all of us . . . .
“What did you do to make my place worth dwelling?”
And our answers rule our destiny! Always!!

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